Why Media Mix Modeling?

Media Mix Modeling (MMM) is a cutting-edge, privacy-conscious, and highly resilient statistical approach that quantifies the incremental impact of marketing and non-marketing activities on sales and ROI.

It's an econometric model that dissects how marketing budgets should be distributed across channels, products, and regions to forecast the effects of future campaigns.

MMM is ideal for: Marketing professionals, CMOs, and business owners looking to maximize their advertising ROI without compromising consumer privacy.



Understand the direct effects of your marketing efforts on sales.



Get a true picture of your return on ad spend, free from platform biases.



Avoid overspending on audiences that would convert regardless.



Leverage AI/ML technologies for unbiased, data-driven decision-making.

Deliverables That Drive Results

Our Media Mix Modeling solution leverages Robyn, a cutting-edge framework developed by Meta, to provide a comprehensive suite of analytics deliverables. From budget optimization and custom MMM modeling to advertising effectiveness analysis, we equip you with the insights to allocate your marketing spend more efficiently. Gain unparalleled understanding of your advertising's carry-over, saturation effects, and the optimal timing for engagement, ensuring every dollar contributes to your bottom line.

Media Mix Modeling (MMM)
Custom model identifying valuable marketing channels through advanced statistics, guiding strategic decisions with enhanced precision.
Historical ROI Analysis
Evaluates past marketing efforts for ROI, informing future strategy with insights from campaign successes and areas for improvement.
Advertising Lag Analysis
Identifies delayed marketing effects, crucial for timing campaigns for maximum efficiency.
Budget Optimizer
Refines marketing investment recommendations across channels for maximum ROI, using historical data to predict optimal budget distribution.
Market Response Modeling
Analyzes market conditions and consumer behavior impact on marketing effectiveness, providing insights for strategy adjustments in real-time.
Carry-Over & Saturation Effects
Analyzes long-term ad impact and diminishing returns to optimize campaign timing and expenditure.

Our process

Strategize Smarter, Spend Wiser

Our Media Mix Modeling process is streamlined into six critical steps: initial goal alignment in our kickoff meeting, extensive data collection, early data analysis for accuracy and correlation, MMM model development focusing on feature selection and ROI, budget optimization through forecasting, and final model calibration using geo lift experiments. This concise approach ensures data-driven, actionable insights for optimal marketing spend and strategy.

Phase 1: Setting the Foundation
Kickoff Meeting

We start with a comprehensive discussion to understand your goals, challenges, and specific needs. This session ensures we are aligned on objectives and outcomes.

Data Access and Gathering

With your collaboration, we secure access to the necessary data, setting the stage for our in-depth analysis. This phase is critical for gathering the insights to fuel your growth.

Preliminary Analysis

 Initial data checks and feature identification are performed at this stage to set the foundation for building the MMM.

Phase 2: Building & Refining the Model
Model Building

Developing the MMM model, including ROI calculations. Additionally, at this stage we will build automated dashboards to enable easy access to MMM outputs.

Budget Optimization

The model is used to forecast and optimize next month’s budget allocation. The output is an optimized media spend mix based on a defined budget.

Maintenance & Calibration

After teh initial build, the model is fine-tuned the via geo lift experiments. Additionally, we may explore additional inputs to improve performance.

Leading brands trust Plytrix with their data.

"Plytrix has been an invaluable partner for our e-commerce business. As a result, we are able to more easily uncover insights on our customer's behaviors and confidently make decisions."
Divyan Selvadurai
Earth Rated - Co-Founder
"Plytrix partnered with us to develop an effective Media Mix Model which has unlocked valuable insights into the performance of our marketing channels, revealing their influence on sales and foot traffic."
Drew Addington
Slumberland - VP of Marketing
Plytrix followed through on commitments, met (and beat) deadlines, documented everything, and delivered a well-thought out and beautifully executed product— whether it be code or dashboards."
Felicia Levy
Unison - Director of Analytics
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