What is Looker?

Looker is a comprehensive business intelligence platform that forms part of Google Cloud, offering robust data exploration capabilities from simple metrics to complex modeling. It leverages LookML, its unique modeling language, to define data relationships and create a secure, reusable, and extensible foundation for analytics. Looker integrates seamlessly with various databases and SQL dialects, allowing users to pull up-to-date, actionable insights directly into their decision-making processes.

Diagram showing the structure of a developer portal with branches to marketplace, docs, components, and API explorer.

How Looker Can Enhances Your Business

Utilizing Looker provides distinct advantages:


Improved Data Accessibility: Easy access to insights with real-time analytics.


Reduced Overhead: Minimizes reliance on multiple tools for data analysis.


Consistent Accuracy: Offers reliable data with strong governance models.


Flexible Scalability: Efficiently scales to meet evolving business needs.

Flowchart showing the process from extracting and loading data (Fivetran) from various sources to staging (Snowflake), transforming and modeling (DBT), storing and analyzing (Snowflake), resulting in visualizing and self-serving using a data pipeline (Looker).

Why we love Looker

At Plytrix, we value Looker for several essential features:

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Git-managed version control

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Data governance and granular permissions

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Security and HIPAA compliance

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Powerful out-of-box and community-generated visualizatio

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User-Friendly Design: Accessible for all user levels, ensuring broad adoption.

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Strong Integration Capabilities: Works well with existing tech stacks.

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llustration of four people sitting around a table, representing expert partnership in data solutions