What is dbt Labs?

dbt Labs provides a transformation tool that enhances the abilities of data teams to turn raw data into analytics-ready information through SQL. It supports various data platforms and simplifies the processes of data transformation, testing, and documentation, suitable for different data scales. DBT performs the T (Transform) of ELT. When paired properly with an extraction tool, dbt Labs allows companies to write transformations as queries and orchestrate them in a more efficient way.

How dbt Labs Can Enhance Your Business

dbt Labs enhances your business by:

Increasing Efficiency: Reduces time on data processing.

Reducing Costs: Cuts down on additional resources and errors.

Enhancing Accuracy: Ensures reliable data for decision-making.

Scaling with Ease: Adapts to growing data and business needs.

Why we love dbt Labs


SQL-First Approach: Simplifies complex data transformation.


Version Control: Ensures data integrity through rigorous testing.


Options for All: Open source and hosted SaaS option


Active Community: Continuously innovating and refining practices


Focus on Collaboration: Streamlines workflows among data teams.


Quality Assurance: Built in testing, documentation, and dependency management


Ever-Expanding: Rapidly growing ecosystem of integrated tools

llustration of four people sitting around a table, representing expert partnership in data solutions